Year of Ordination Search
Rev. Fr. R. G. Vigintus

Name : Rev. Fr. R. G. Vigintus

Status : Teacher, and Borden at St. Henry's College

Full NameRev. Fr. Rajanayagam Genalton Vigintus
Birth PlaceNaranthanai
Present AddressSt. Patrick's College, Jaffna
Date of birth26 September 1979
Date of ordination05 June 2008
Native ParishSt. Peter & Paul's Church, Naranthanai
Qualifications :

B Ph (Rome)
B Th (Rome)
Diploma in Counselling Psychology
Diploma in Sinhala
SLTS 2 II (Teaching grade from 19. 2. 2018)

Mission :

2008 - 2009 - Asst. Parish Priest - Manipay
2009 - 2015 - Secretary to the Bishop of Jaffna & Acting PP, Mandathivu
2015 - Teacher, St. Patrick's College, Jaffna
2017 Jan. 01 - English Teacher, Ilavalai

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