Year of Ordination Search
Rev. Fr. T. J. Kirupaharan

Name : Rev. Fr. T. J. Kirupaharan

Status : Rector of SFX & Judicial Vicar of the Diocese

Full NameRev. Fr. Thambirasa Jerribel Kirupaharan
Birth PlaceAtchuvely
Present AddressRector, St. Francis Xavier's Seminary, Columbuthurai, Jaffna
Date of birth10 July 1955
Date of ordination02 August 1982
Native ParishSt. Mary's Cathedral, Jaffna
Qualifications :

B. A. Philosophy (Madurai)
D.C.L. (Rome)

Mission :

1982 - 1983 - Asst. Parish Priest, St. Mary's Cathedral
1983 - 1987 - Warden - St. Patrick's College
1987 - 1989 - Parish Priest, Point Pedro & Lecturer at SFXS
1989 - 1993 - Studies in Rome, Italy.
1993 - 2001 - Staff and Formator at St. Francis Xavier's Seminary
2002 - 2003 - Tribunal Apostolate & Lecturer (Bishop's House)
2004 - 2008 - Director, St. Martin's Seminary
2008 - 2016 - Lecturer (St. Francis Xavier's Seminary)
2016 - Rector, St. Francis Xavier's Seminary, Columbuthurai
Tribunal Apostolate since 1993 without any break

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