Year of Ordination Search
Rev. Fr. E. Edwinathan

Name : Rev. Fr. E. Edwinathan

Status : Teacher at St. Patrick's College

Full NameRev. Fr. Edwardraja Edwinathan
Birth PlacePathawathai
Present AddressSt. Patirck's College, Jaffna
Date of birth09 May 1978
Date of ordination05 June 2008
Native ParishSt. Philip Neries' Church, Pathawathai
Qualifications :

B Ph (Rome)
B Th (Rome)

Mission :

15th of June - 25th of July 2008 - Asst. Parish Priest, Gurunagar
25th of July - 5th of November 2008 - St. Martin's Seminary
25th of November - 10th of June 2010 - Asst. Parish Priest, Gurungar
10th of June 2010- 31st of Dec. 2011 - Parish Priest, Tharmapuram
2nd Jan. 2012 - St. Patrick's College

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