Year of Ordination Search
Rev. Fr. T. Judethas

Name : Rev. Fr. T. Judethas

Status : Co Pastor at Kayts

Full NameRev. Fr. Thevathas Judethas
Birth PlaceManipay
Present AddressSt. Mary's Church, Kayts
Date of birth29 October 1978
Date of ordination28 June 2007
Native ParishSt. Anne's Church, Manipay
Qualifications :

BPh (Rome)
BTh (Rome)
M. A. (Madurai)

Mission :

2007 - 2008 - Asst. Parish Priest - Point Pedro
2008 - Parish Priest - Mathagal
2009 - Puthukudiyiruppu
2009 - 2011 - St. Patrick's College
2011 - 2012 - Vaddakachchi
2012 - 2013 - India
2013 - Retnapura Diocese
2014 - 2015 - Mannar Diocese

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